Practice Fees


Initial or > 40-minute consultation $440.00  

(Gap $317.85 + Medicare rebate $122.15)      

Follow up > 20-minute appointment $220.00  

(Gap $137.10 + Medicare rebate $82.90)           

Follow up 15-minute appointment $110.00  

(Gap $67.15 + Medicare rebate $42.85)      

Home visit > 40-minute consultation $735 (includes travel time) 

(Gap $582.85 + Medicare rebate $152.15) 

Hypnosis appointments $440.00 

(Gap $317.85 + Medicare rebate $122.15)   

Platelet Rich Plasma Injection $350.

No Medicare rebate. GST Included.    


Telehealth appointments  

Follow up > 20-minute appointment $220.00  

(Gap $137.10 + Medicare rebate $82.90)           

Follow up 15-minute appointment $110.00  

(Gap $67.15 + Medicare rebate $42.85)  

Please Note

Please note for all telehealth and video consults, Medicare rebates are not available to patients that have not had a face-to-face appointment in the practice in the last 12 months.

Please also note that for all telehealth and video consults the patient must be present at the time of the consult to be eligible to receive a Medicare rebate. 

On the day appointments. 
On day appointments are available on a first come first serve basis. Walk in’s will be triaged and accommodated based on their level of need. 

For after hours care.  
Out of business hours, weekends, and public holidays, please present to your local A&E. 

This is not a bulk billing practice.  

If you are unable to attend your appointment,  
please provide 24 hours’ notice to avoid a Non-Attendance fee of $110.  

Medicare Safety Net

Did you know that you could potentially reduce your healthcare costs through the Medicare Safety Net?

If you need to see a doctor or get tests regularly, you could end up with high medical costs. The Medicare Safety Net can help to lower your out-of-pocket healthcare costs.
Out-of-hospital doctor, pathology, radiology, psychology and some allied health gaps (with a Medicare item number) contribute towards the threshold.

If you’re part of a family or couple, you can combine your costs by registering as a family. Once you’ve reached the threshold each calendar year (1st January-31st December), you’ll start getting higher Medicare rebates for the remainder of the calendar year.
Once you have paid $2544.30 (per calendar year) out-of-pocket, you will receive up to 80% of out-of-pocket costs back.
If you are a concession cardholder or a family eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part A, once you reach $811.80 (calendar year) in out-of-pocket costs, you will receive up to 80% of out-of-pocket costs back.
If you’re single, you don’t need to do anything, you are registered automatically.
Couples and families only need to register once.
Keep in mind, your doctor’s appointment will still cost the same, but you will get more back from Medicare for the remainder of the calendar year.
To find out more information and to register as a couple or family, click here.